- Perhaps this could have stayed unstated.
- Had our words turned to other things
- In the grey park, the rain abated,
- Life would have quickened other strings.
- I list your gifts in this creation:
- Pen, paper, ink and inspiration,
- Peace to the heart with touch or word,
- Ease to the soul with note and chord.
- How did that walk, those winter hours,
- Occasion this? No lightning came;
- Nor did I sense, when touched by flame,
- Our story lit with borrowed powers -
- Rather, by what our spirits burned,
- Embered in words, to us returned.
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Friday, December 25, 2009
There is no riddle and there is no test. --
To lie and love, not aching to make sense
Of this night in the mesh of reference.
To touch, unclaimed by fear of imminent day,
And understand, as only strangers may.
To feel the beat of foreign heart to heart
Preferring neither to prolong nor part.
To rest within the unknown arms and know
That this is all there is; that this is so.
Vikram Seth
Monday, December 14, 2009
5 Features of Flex Builer 4
Feature 1: Generation of accessor functions
Software development can be tedious. Many applications follow the same coding practices and patterns, and developers frequently spend lots of time on repetitive coding tasks—time that could otherwise be spent implementing more interesting logic. For Flash Builder 4 beta, we targeted a number of these common coding tasks and delivered ways to get them done quickly.
The task that developers most often asked us to automate was the creation of accessor functions. Developers wanted a way to generate getter and setter methods, which comprise a public interface to access private class members. With Flash Builder 4 beta, you can create these functions by simply placing your cursor on a class variable name and choosing Source > Generate Getter/Setter from either the main menu or the context menu. You can use the Generate Getter/Setter dialog box that opens to configure details about the accessor functions, and there’s even an option to preview the changes that Flash Builder 4 beta will make to your code (see Figure 1).
Figure 1. A preview of the code generated by the new getter/setter feature
Feature 2: Event code generation
Another common developer request is for generating event code. This feature is helpful both for experienced Flex developers looking to spend less time on tedious coding and for beginners unfamiliar with event-based development. For example, developers with a background in procedural web scripting technologies—like PHP or ColdFusion—may have never needed to implement an event listener to handle an event, such as a button being clicked. Flash Builder 4 beta can automatically generate the event handler functions for a UI object from the Flex Properties view, the context menu for an item in Design view, or with content assist for an item in Code view.
Each UI item, including buttons, lists, scrollbars, and so on, has a default event. A Button, for example, has the click event. If you select a button in Design view and right—click, you will see a context menu option Generate Click Handler. Likewise, the Property Inspector will show a field labeled “on click” and a button to generate the event. Of course, you can generate event handlers for all events of a UI item by selecting Show All Events in the context menu or by expanding the Events node for the item in the Property Inspector. Once you generate an event handler, Flash Builder 4 beta generates a unique name for the event handler based on the object’s class name, properties, or a custom name you specify. The event handler is placed in the first script block of the file and you will be taken to that position in Code view. If you’re starting in Code view, you can also generate events for components. Place your cursor in a closed component tag and open content assist for the properties of the component by typing a space after the class name. The list of properties displayed includes events (for example, Click). Select an event and then select Generate Event Handler.
If you’re new to ActionScript and event—driven programming, the event code generation feature can help you learn the basics of connecting component events to methods. If you’re an experienced Flex developer, the feature can save you time by quickly generating stubs for all of your event functions.
Feature 3:Command—line builds
Many customers told us that as their Flex projects have grown in complexity, the need for Flex to fit into their enterprise development processes and systems has become more acute. One of the most common requests we heard from these customers was for a way to add Flex applications to nightly automated build processes. Unfortunately, previous versions made it difficult to synchronize a developer’s individual build settings with the nightly build. Flash Builder 4 beta solves this with the new
Command line builds can be used even if Flash Builder 4 beta is not installed on the nightly build machine. If Flash Builder 4 beta is present, the
Feature 4: Debugger enhancements
Having a full featured debugger is one of the great benefits of an integrated development environment. Flex Builder 3 has excellent debugging capabilities, but there were still many additional features and enhancements for which you’ve been asking. So for Flash Builder 4 beta, we’ve invested heavily in taking the debugger to the next level.
Sometimes, you may need to stop the debugger from executing when specific conditions are met. With Flash Builder 4 beta, you can use expressions to define these conditional breakpoints to halt execution when the expression evaluates to true, when the value of the expression changes, or when a specified hit count has been reached. Evaluation of watch expressions has also been enhanced in this release. You can use the Expressions view to watch variables you selected in the Variables view, as well as to add and evaluate watch expressions while debugging your applications.
When debugging an application, you may want to know when specific instances of variables change value. Flash Builder 4 beta allows this with a new feature called watchpoints. You set a watchpoint on a specific instance of a variable from the Variables view during a debugging session, and execution will be halted when the watched variable changes value.
Finally, if you have ever set a debugger breakpoint within a loop that repeats many times, you’ll appreciate the new run—to—line command, which can be used to break out of a loop during a debugging session.
Feature 5: Network Monitor
Nearly all Flex applications exchange data with a server or service of some sort. The requests and responses move back and forth between the client and server in different formats depending on the technique that you use as a developer. In Flex 3 you have little insight into what’s happening as the exchange occurs, no matter what technique you use. You can debug your Flex application and see what remote call is made, but then you have to wait and see what (if anything) comes back from the server. Likewise, you can debug your server—side logic, but it’s difficult to know what happens to the data once you send it back to Flex. Monitoring the actual network traffic—the requests and response data—has not been possible with Flex Builder.
Flash Builder 4 beta introduces the Network Monitor, a tool that you can use to examine the SOAP, AMF, Remote Object, XML, and HTTP traffic that flows between your Flex application and its data service or services. Now you have a simple view, active when you’re in the Debugging perspective, that provides extensive monitoring and debugging information to make building data—centric applications much easier.
To begin, click the Enable Network Monitor icon on the Network Monitor toolbar and then run the debug version of the application as you would normally. As you interact with your application, the Network Monitor captures and stores all calls to remote services in chronological order. At any time, you can switch back to the Network Monitor view to see the results of each call. The results from calls to each remote service are presented in a table listing the time of the request, the requesting service, the operation and URL (if applicable), the time of the response, and the elapsed time. You can also examine the response, including the actual data sent back. You can analyze this information as the application is running, or you can click the Save icon to write all captured information to an XML file for later analysis.
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
मत करो कोई वादा जिसे तुम निभा न सको,
मत चाहो उसे जिसे तुम पा न सको,
प्यार कहाँ किसी का पूरा होता है,
इसका तो पहला शब्द ही अधूरा होता है.. !!
...............iska Jawab...............
माना की प्यार का पहला अक्षर अधूरा है,
लेकिन 'प' को निकल दो तो यार रह जाता है
और आप जैसा यार हो
तो ज़िंदगी से भी प्यार हो जाता है
...............remember Always………..
यूं तो प्यार करने वाले तुम्हें कम न मिलेंगे,
मिल जाएंगे हम जैसे बहुत ,,, पर हम न मिलेंगे.
...............now Enjoy...............
उन्हें भूलने की कोशिश की मैंने,
दिल ने कहा याद करते रहना...
वो हमारे दर्द की फरियाद सुने न सुने,
अपना तो फ़र्ज़ है उन्हें प्यार करते रहना...............