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Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Her own Stranger..

This little and cute girl, the most favorite to her parents had decided to start the new phase of her life with a stranger of whom she met just couple of times and whom she knew very little about. This was going to be the biggest decision of her life more than anything taken ever.

She had so many confusions, questions, hopes and a little fear as well. During the whole phase millions of questions running in her mind but she knew she has to go through this. Her inner instincts were assuring her everything gonna be alright. Every girl go through this and hope for the best and so does she.

Time just flied more than the speed of light while she was just busy in shopping, rituals and what not. So many hopes and best wishes were fluttering around her and all of them were assuring her of the best times in future.

She look the dive and in a click of second she was not in a strangers arms whom she has to tell herself. She was little scared but things went well and mostly as per her expectations. Few thing here and there were bit misaligned but that's what the life is.

And just after a week, that moment came where she has to live alone among the crowd of strangers for next two weeks before she can fly out to him. Toughest time it was for her. She was just counting the moments and every moment was feeling her a year to her. She gave her life, parents, friends and career for this and just because of society stereotypes, she has to go though this. Still, in silence she went by those times and finally she was with him again and then came the little adventurous times of few weeks and some months went by. She was happy most of the times but sad few times. He was also trying to pacify her but how on the earth he can understand her feelings. He dint had an iota of understanding about what she was going through.

Her family was near but so far. She was now of someone else and  it has to be like  that now.

She has the aspirations and trying hard to get them. She is the queen to him but he is not the ideal kinng she aspires to. She is struggling to give her best shot but he is not up to the speed.

He understands it but don't say anything.

The writer hopes she will blend in soon and he understands what she is going through and both will take this life boat smoothly in this storm of emotions.

1 comment:

App Developers Gurgaon said...

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