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Wednesday, September 9, 2009


In the context of learning and assessments mashups can be categorized as follows:

  1. Portlet – configured by an end user
  2. Page (Web, Wiki or Blog) – configured by a web author
  3. Data – configured by a programmer

Portlet Based Mashup
Portlet based mashups provide different “windows” that interact with different and separate applications and users can move these portlets around their screen to meet their own personal requirements.

Page Based Mashup
Page based mashups are configured by the author of the web page, wiki and or blog to determine where application data and interactions might occur.

Documentation, learning content and assessments are often available throughout an organization’s infrastructure but challenging to find and they are especially difficult to find in context. Wikis, blogs and web pages can be used to expose existing resources, wrap context, to provide a meaningful learning and/or assessment experience. Learning mashups can improve learner experiences and learning outcomes.

Data Mashups

A data mash up is where data is drawn from different data sources and displayed within a single page. In this style a programmer constructs a program to retrieve the data, from different data sources, and then display it within a web page.


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