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Friday, July 17, 2009

More AS questions

1. How do you call a static method without using the "Class Name." method name.
2. How would the for in and for each loop give the output tracing values in object.
3. How can you add video cue-point so that u can execute any action upon or middle of video.
4. Skinning of Flv component.
5. How you load one XML and read all the attributes of a node in E4X.
6. How u deal in a situation if your team member is not good @ work.
7. How would u response to a client mail when he has just bashed your project and there is no senior member present in the office.
8. Suppose in 10 hrs of learning...2 days before delivery u come to know that. The product designed is not as per client requirement. The prototype version has many changes suggested by client. How will u deal with this situation.
10. Give example of method overloading and overriding in code.
11. How u access your linked classes to other class in shared library architecture. Syntax
12. How you handle depth in AS3.0
13. 3 ways to execute Java-script from Flash.
14. Why we should prefer FSCOMMAND than GetURL in AS2.0.
15. MVC architecture and implementation.
16. Will u do a copy paste work if required for a project
17. Differences between AS2.0 - 3.0

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am sorry, that has interfered... I understand this question. Let's discuss. Write here or in PM.