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Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Skinnign FLV Component

Skinning FLV Playback Custom UI components individually

The FLV Playback Custom UI components allow you to customize the appearance of the FLVPlayback controls within your FLA file and allow you to see the results when you preview your web page. These components are not designed to be scaled, however. You should edit a movie clip and its contents to be a specific size. For this reason, it is generally best to have the FLVPlayback component on the Stage at the desired size, with the scaleMode set to exactFit.

To begin, simply drag the FLV Playback Custom UI components that you want from the Components panel, place them where you want them on the Stage and give them instance names.

These components can work without any ActionScript. If you put them on the same timeline and frame as the FLVPlayback component and there is no skin set in the component, the FLVPlayback component will connect automatically to them. If you have multiple FLVPlayback components on Stage, or if the custom control and the FLVPlayback instance are not on the same Timeline, then Action is needed.

After your components are on the Stage, you edit them as you would any other symbol. After you open the components, you can see that each one is set up a little differently from the others.

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